Digital Marketing

What Is Influencer Marketing? Functions, Types And Examples

any of us may know about the term Influencer. That is, more or less everyone knows something about Influencer Marketing. Influencers have a certain amount of followers and are social personalities.

Influencer is basically a type of person, who is experienced on a particular subject and works in various online media. And they review any product, software or even a subject through their expertise. The purpose of their product or software reviews is basically marketing. In this case, his followers try to buy the product advertised or suggested by the influencer while buying something according to their choice. Where this influencer can greatly influence a person’s choice.

The number of followers or subscribers of these people may be less or more. However, their follower numbers do not make any impact on product promotion. And as a result, even if their number of followers is less, there is not much difficulty in marketing. Because, if that person promotes a product on his page, then it will not be limited only to his followers. In this case, when other visitors view his content, that person may also be influenced by it.

An influencer has a huge impact on his audience. If you want to promote your product or brand to people very quickly and easily, then you need to choose an influencer. And in this case, if you get an influencer to sponsor your product, then you can easily spread it to everyone through influencers.

Ask your customers to upload photos and videos using the products: You can ask the influencer to upload a post about their experience on social media after purchasing the product and to make sure to remove background from image free online to ensure showcasing only proper product visuals. By doing this, you will have some more promotion of that product.

You can reach more people with that product than you could on your own, with an influencer.

In the case of influencer marketing, the influencer who is selected for marketing, the influencer has to pay certain money or something else for his work. So, friends, through today’s tune, we are going to know how you too can run such a campaign for any of your products.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Recommendations and criticisms of a well-known person in marketing one’s products are the fastest growing on social media these days. And these influencers are very important for the promotion of one of our products. They have a huge following on social media and act as promoters of various brands.

However, finding an influencer for one of your products is important. And to promote a product you must find someone in the know who knows your company well and can talk about it. However, in some cases the person may not know about your organization. In this case, during the promotion of your product, informing the person about your organization will do. But, in this case too, that person must have some qualities.

The person you promote your product with must work on your product related issues. And, if that person has no idea about your product or anything related to your product, then any post with him can be completely ineffective. Because, in this case he will not be able to cover it well and in many cases the product will not go to your right customers.

Why does your brand need an influencer?

People trust a famous third party person more than they trust a brand’s own word.

If you think about this matter a little deeper or compare it with yourself, then you will understand the matter. Imagine that you go to a party and a guy comes up to you and starts complimenting you and talking funny things about your personality so that he can be close to you. But, will you like this guy? I believe, your answer must be no. Because nobody likes such people.

But, on the other hand, if your acquaintance says something good about a person, then you will definitely believe him. Here your friend plays a very important role in convincing a person. And this is the case with influencer marketing.

And likewise, an Influencer acts like our friends, who represent your brand or product in front of buyers. And they make customers interested in buying your product. When you hire an influencer, they bring their audience as well as followers. And because that person’s followers like him, they are interested in his said product. As a result, an influencer has the ability to increase traffic to your site, social media exposure, and sell your product through their said experience or recommendation.

Influencer Marketing is currently one of the most effective marketing methods among other conventional or traditional marketing. It can easily create attraction among customers and clients. Today’s modern customers don’t want to be so attracted to billboards or online ads. In this regard, they have a distrust of advertising. Where they want, to tell about that product or service from a trusted person. In this case, they want to research the brand themselves and buy the product based on the recommendation or review of a trusted person.

Do you know how influencers help with inbound marketing? They first create a content of your brand and share the content among their followers and recommend the brand’s product to the followers for purchase. As a result, those audiences think about the product and talk to each other. And finally, decides to buy that product.

Hiring an influencer can make a huge difference in product sales or the success of your company. And an Influencer can take your company to the pinnacle of success in a competitive market.

Think about your audience

As a marketer you must think about the audience. Have a clear idea about the target audience for your brand. To take your brand or product one step further and find an ideal influencer, you must have an idea about the needs and mindset of your audience.

Target your customers according to the type of product you sell. All those content creators should be selected as Influencers according to your product. And then you can gain more advantage in selling that product.

However, a follower accepts the company as a good brand when an influencer reviews the company’s products. When promoting my product with an influencer, I must look at the content they create. Imagine that a content creator discusses the country’s economy. Now if I want to sell a mobile phone of my own brand to that person, then it can be a wrong decision. Because that person’s audience may not be attracted to my product.

And in this case, if I ask a tech-based content creator to sell mobiles, who reviews mobiles, laptops, etc.; Then he can easily sell it to his audience. Similarly, if we need to promote any software, then influencer should be appointed according to the type of work of that software. And only then we will get more engagement for that product.

Who Uses Influencer Marketing?

Although it is understandable that some companies want to stick to outbound marketing, some fashion e-commerce sites are targeting influencers. Just one thing to hire professionals for. Today we find that many companies send products to professionals to sell their products and get them reviewed. For example, a fashion item company offers their products for sale to popular people (who deal with fashion related topics).

Then it appears that those bloggers or those content creators create a review video or content about those items. They then provide a link to the visitor to purchase that product and through which the visitor can purchase those items.

As an example of influencer marketing we see various YouTubers. All the popular YouTubers sponsor products of different companies in their videos. In this case, they present a brief description of the product or service in one part of the video and provide links in the video description to learn more about it or buy it.

Also, various companies send their products to these YouTubers. In this case they make a review video of those products and highlight the pros and cons of that product. And as a result it can be seen that a person must pay more attention to the reviewed product while buying that product. Later it can be seen that the sales of that product increased a lot.

In case of getting a product review done by a content creator, they demand a certain amount of money. And the amount of money depends on the popularity of that creator.

How do you determine the right influencer for your brand?

Choosing the right influencer is extremely important for a great product review. So, we must identify the right Influencer, so that we can increase the sales of our products. In this case we have to keep an eye on some special features. Now let’s find out how we can choose a right influencer for us.

The influencer must have a relevant brand or product match

Different influencers need to be identified for different brands. Because, it is very important to have a relevant match between the influencer and the brand. And the most important feature is determining the right influencer.

If I give an example of this, it will be clear. For example, you want to do marketing of a software. Now if you want to promote the tech related software with a cricketer or music artist, then it will definitely be a wrong decision. Although, they may have millions of followers, but those followers will not be of any use in selling your product. Because, here all those followers are mainly cricket lovers or music lovers.

Now if he recommends using or buying your software, here’s what it looks like. Of course his target audience will not get inspired by the software. Here your target audience is for software, and that musician’s target audience is music lovers (which are never the same). So, his work or endorsement is not really related to your brand. And for that you need to promote that technology software with a person who writes or creates content on these topics.

Reaching the products to the audience

If you want your products to reach a larger audience, you can take the help of popular personalities. In this case, that person may not work with your product. In this case, only if the number of followers is high. These influencers can play a very effective role in promoting one of your products. Because, when they promote your product to their audience, it will be discussed among users and they may be attracted to this product.

If a popular person recommends a product, then a positive perception is created among the users about that brand or product. It shows that they also accept the product.

The influencer should have the ability to take action towards the audience
If you want to choose an influencer, you must see how effective that influencer is. How much control does he have over his own followers? This ability comes naturally to an influencer, if that influencer targets people relevant to the brand and can represent the product or brand well enough in front of them.

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Usually influencers do not force the audience to buy the product. Their audience likes their blogs or videos and thus they engage with the product. Hence, a relevant match is important for marketing.

One thing I would like to point out is that there have been numerous studies done on marketing and there are mentions of medium budget influencers as well. Mid-level influencers are influencers who want to reach a target, but have a small audience. But, these influencers cannot maintain effective loyalty with the audience.

So we need to choose an influencer who has a good rapport with the audience. It is not necessary to promote your product only by looking at the followers or subscribers of a page. In this case, how people are connected with that page and whether they will be attracted to the words of the creator, should also be taken into consideration. If, the content creator’s video is only intended to be viewed and no one cares about him, then there is no point in promoting the product with him.

What will your influencer look like?

We definitely need a promoter or influencer to promote one of our products. However, we need to keep some things in mind to determine that person. So that, we can increase the sales of our products. However, with an influencer you also have some work to do.

  • Personality Type: Determine whether you need an activist, information-giver and an authority figure to best promote your product.
  • Creator: You choose your target influencer from one or more content creators. For example, these include technology, fashion, travel or marketing.
  • Niche: The influencer you target can have one or more niches. You choose which creator to promote your product. And you do the marketing or PR of that product.
  • Topics: You choose an influencer who sometimes talks on social media or on his blog. You can promote your product if it matches that person’s topic.
  • Type of Reach: The influencer you choose for a product campaign, first needs to know about their medium of activity. Is his traffic coming from social media or from a blog site? Does the product you want to promote need to have a Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram account?

However, choose whichever medium you feel is best for promoting your product or promoting your brand.

Where to find the ideal influencer for your product?

From the above discussion, you might already have an idea of ​​what type of influencer you should look for and who you need to promote your product. So now we need to know where we can find the right influencers for our brand. Now, let’s find out how to find influencers.

Social media monitoring

Follow social media to promote your brand through an influencer marketer. For example you can see posts related to your product on social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

In most cases, one person may be posting a lot related to your product; But in no way are they telling their audience about your product or service. In this case, you can contact the admin of all those pages and ask them to post your product or discuss it in the next content. However, to find an ideal influencer you must look into social media.

Research on YouTube or social media

Whichever related product you want to promote, write that related topic and search on YouTube or social media. As you can see here, many people make videos on such topics. In particular, you can browse channels of review videos. If you search for review videos on your product related topics, you will come across many popular channels who review products very well and recommend others to buy them.

Now you contact all those content creators and let them know about your product. Then based on the contract with him, promote your product. You can also keep an eye on various social media outside of YouTube.

Google Alerts

Set up a Google Alerts for keywords related to your brand to identify people who write about your topics. You can easily find your influencers through this Google website. One sad thing though is that you won’t find any content through it for Bangladesh. If your target is a foreign influencer, then you can take its help.

Finding out from among the bloggers

Blogger can be a very powerful influencer when it comes to finding an influencer. A bonus point of targeting bloggers is that they are almost always active on many social media platforms.

So to find the right influencer for your product, start searching for blogs relevant to your product. Then create a list of bloggers who read posts related to your product. Then after finding out their SEO statistics and social media information, you choose the best site among them.

Start your Influencer Campaign

Once everything is set, now you can start promoting the product with that influencer marketer. Let’s talk about how you can start promoting your product.

Encourage content creation

A true Brand Influencer is highly enthusiastic and passionate about your product or service. That is, when the person reviews or talks about it, he says it with a lot of interest and it seems like it’s true. However, those of you who have watched various influencer recommendation videos may know better about it.

Your goal is to get as much feedback as possible from those customers.

Ask your customers to upload photos and videos using the products: You can ask the influencer to upload a post about their experience on social media after purchasing the product. By doing this, you will have some more promotion of that product.

Offer a Discount or Giveaway through a Contest: It is natural that we notice that many contests can promote the brand even more. In this case you can ask those customers to answer any one question. This will make them do some research on your product.

Also, you can organize a campaign. Where, they have to post a topic on their Facebook profile with the hashtag of your product name and you will give a gift item to the best post contributors. This is a great strategy to promote your products at low cost.

Participate in all discussion forums: You can engage in discussions with your audience and use their posts or comments as inspiration for blog posts. Where you can publish a Post based on the comments they make or publish something about it. In this case I promise you that they will see their comments live and thereby they will share it with others.

You send a free product or free trial software to an Influencer without any prior commitment: You can send your product to an Influencer for free to promote your product. In this case if they like it, they can tell you about it or they can recommend your product on their site or video.

Guest Post for Product Promotion: You can do guest post on any site to promote your product. In this case, you can give customers an idea about your product when they visit that channel.

How to balance influencers?

If someone speaks well of your brand, you must give them something. But it doesn’t have to be financially, but it can be financially. But you can reward your influencer in any way. For this reason I am giving some ways below.

Post Share: If the person is creating content about your product, you can share that post anywhere else. This will bring more traffic to his content and make him feel more important. You can post a compliment about him on your own page or profile. This can make him happier.

Product Discounts or Giveaways: Giving an influencer a discount on a service or a product from your brand will really encourage him to talk about your brand. So you should, while promoting a product through influencer marketer, offer a discount on its referral.

Commissions: Commissions can be of great interest to an influencer marketer. You can offer him a fixed commission by selling your product. By doing this, he will be much more focused on promoting your product. Because, the more he can sell, the more commission he will earn. However, it is not a bad idea to pay him a commission for selling your products.

Here are some frequently asked questions about influencers in marketing

You probably already know why influencer marketers should be hired to sell their products and why a brand needs them to grow its sales. However, you may have more questions about being an influencer marketer. Let’s look at some such questions below.

How much does it cost to hire an influencer?

How much it will cost you to hire an influencer depends on your organization and the type of campaign you are running. Also, the amount of money depends on the type of person you are targeting the campaign with. In any case, if you want to promote a product with a small YouTuber, then it will be enough to pay him 10-20 thousand rupees along with that product. However, according to the context of Bangladesh, promotional videos are rarely made by small YouTubers or popular people. And it’s the same when thinking globally.

Since we are discussing the situation in Bangladesh here, we have to talk about the content creators of Bangladesh. In many cases, it is only possible to give that product to YouTubers or social personalities, if that product is somewhat expensive. And in this case, if we think about all the popular YouTubers, then they have to pay from 30 thousand to 1 lakh rupees to promote any product. Not only in the case of everyone, in many cases it is possible to do it with only a few thousand rupees.

How can I find the right influencers for my industry?

You can search for topics related to your product and hashtags related to your product. Also, if you do a little research on other brands, you can find an influencer.

How do I track customers from those Influencers?

This may be the most important question here. Because we will spend thousands of rupees through influencers to promote our products. But, how do we track customers coming through them?

How successful is influencer marketing?

Like any other marketing campaign it also depends on strategy and goals. However, about 80% of marketers today think it is more effective in selling products and 89% think it is more effective than other forms of marketing.


Influencer marketing has been the key to success for many brands since its inception. Many companies have even taken their brands to a successful level by following this strategy. So if you want to sell your products to people and increase brand awareness, start influencer marketing today.


As the author of Logic Lens News, I am passionate about delivering the latest updates and trends in technology, business, and finance. I strive to provide insightful tips and analyses that empower readers to stay informed and ahead in today's dynamic world.


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